SRA Ethics Forum

This free service for SRA members is a confidential forum for members needing advice or guidance about an ethics issue. 

How it works

Email: Ron Iphofen with your question or request.

Specify in your email if you would like to be anonymous/unattributable.

Your question/request will then be circulated to the members of the ethics forum who have considerable combined experience of social research across different sectors.  Members of the forum give their time voluntarily. 

Their responses are collated and sent back to you, usually within seven working days. You’ll benefit from a range of expert opinion. 

Note: this is a peer mentoring activity. The decision about what you do with any advice is entirely yours.  Neither the SRA nor members of the forum are accountable in any way for actions you take to resolve an ethical issue. 

Forum members

Alison Allam, Independent social researcher
Jane Evans, Independent social researcher
Berni Graham, Independent social researcher and evaluator
Carrie Heitmeyer, Social Science Team Lead, Government Office for Science
Helen Kara, Independent social researcher and writer 
Yulia Kartalova O’Doherty, Director, Applied Research Consultancy Ltd.
Rosemary Lamport, Independent social researcher
Cecile Morales, Qualitative Research Team, Department for Work and Pensions
Martin Tolich, Associate professor, Otago University, New Zealand

More on ethics advice

UK Research Integrity Office